Gift & Payment Information

Bring hope to millions of Canadians affected by arthritis

When you join the Wings of Hope monthly giving program, you can help even more Canadians with arthritis by funding cutting-edge research and essential information and support resources.

Why give monthly?

  • Donors tell us that giving a monthly donation makes it easier to plan their charitable giving
  • You can make a significant impact and spread your donation out over the year
  • Your monthly gift provides stable, predictable funding for research, advocacy, and education
  • You will receive one tax receipt each year for your monthly donations
  • You can cancel your monthly gift any time

Yes, I would like to make a difference!

Field Is Required How much would you like to give?
Is this an in honour / in memory gift?

Print Card Information

eCard Information

Donor Information

Billing Information

Payment Information

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Visa
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
What is this?
encrypted payment

This is a secure 128-bit SSL encrypted payment.

If you have any questions about the Wings of Hope Monthly Giving Program, please contact us toll free at 1-855-834-4427 or by email at donorservices@arthritis.ca.

Charitable Number 10807 1671 RR0003